Seasons With Brian And Julia is an independently produced documentary by local filmmaker Robert Griffith, which acts both as an intimate portrait of the lives of one farming family in rural Virginia and as an education in what goes into the act of responsibly and sustainably creating the food that we all eat every day. Griffith spent all of 2011 the lives of Brian and Julia Anderson, as they put their knowledge of subsistence farming into practice. The film represents a way for the Andersons to pass on their expertise to future generations, as well as a way to raise awareness about the role of farming in our daily lives, and what it means to stand aside from modern agribusiness in favor of cultivating a personal relationship with the food we eat, from beginning to end of its production cycle.
Currently in the process of editing the film, Griffith and co-editor (and RVA Magazine contributor) Todd Raviotta have run into funding issues, and need to raise over $30,000 in order to bring the film to completion. To that end, they've set up an indiegogo campaign, which currently has less than a week left before it reaches its funding deadline. With a goal of raising $33,000, the campaign is a long way from reaching its full funding, but its status as a flexible funding campaign means that any contributions pledged by August 13 will go to the filmmakers, regardless of whether or not it reaches its final goal. Which is all the more reason that you should pitch in! This film is an interesting look at an important and underrepresented topic, and it needs to exist in its final form. Check out the trailer, and click the link to contribute to their indiegogo campaign.
Contribute to the campaign here: