RVA Magazine's gigantic Halloweek giveaway rolls on, and time is running out for you to get your entry in for a chance to win it all! Our huge prize pack has a total value of over $400, and features everything t-shirts and magazines to gift certificates for more than half a dozen local businesses! The details of the prizes on offer are as follows:
Gift Cards
$50 West Coast Kix
$25 Ellwood Thompson's
$50 World Of Mirth
$100 Need Supply Co.
$50 Kulture
$50 Mekong
$50 Steady Sounds
Plus you'll get a Halloweek t-shirt; copies of the first two issues of Whino Magazine; a copy of James Wayland's novel Trailer Park Trash & Vampires, featuring illustrations by Chris Visions; and an Official Halloweek 2012 Poster! You can win all of this by entering the handy-dandy widget below:
You've got until 6 PM on Tuesday, October 30 to get your entry in. Winner will be announced in our next e-newsletter, which will be sent out on the morning of October 31. If you're not already on our mailing list, sign up HERE and be the first to know whether you've won it all!
There's still plenty of Halloweek madness left to transpire, so be sure to check out the Halloweek facebook event page to find out about everything we've got in store for you between now and Halloween night: