In an age when web trolls buy digital domains and sit on them until the highest bidder makes them go away (see its rare that someone gets a URL they deserve. But as digital spaces expand, even as Tumblrs and Twitter accounts get snatched up left and write, every once in a while, somebody lands the perfect address.
Enter Richmond metal band Prisoner
These guys are hard working dudes from our dear city, and they also rock. When I ran into Prisoner's drummer Joel Hansen on the street the other night, he told me about the recent tour they had - and how their van pulled a complete "we're on tour, awful shit will happen" move and the engine nearly exploded on the highway. Then he told me about their bandcamp and laughed as he said the address.
I was dumb founded. How had another band not gotten that yet... its simple, easy to remember, and metal as shit. I donno, maybe I'm blowing this out of proportion and my concept of bandcamp is a bit screwed. But I think it's good to give a shout out to a local band when things work out.