Found Magazine, created by Davy Rothbart and Jason Bitner, began publishing in 2001. The Found Footage Festival, created by Joe Pickett, Nick Preuher, and Geoff Haas, was first held in 2004. The two groups specialize in different formats, but document much the same thing--strange, unexplained, often amusing and always entertaining objects of uncertain origin that have randomly been discovered by the creators and other contributors. Found Magazine, which has issued 10 issues, as well as four books and two audio compilations, in its 10-year history, collects randomly discovered documents, from love letters to homework assignments. The Found Footage Festival, which has released six DVD collections in as many years, collects old job training videos, random television tapings, and home movies. Now the two groups have joined forces for a tour, during which the two groups will go toe to toe to determine once and for all whether found notes or found videos will reign supreme. Regardless of who comes out the winner, the real winners will clearly be the audience, who will be delighted by two hours of music, comedy, and blood. There will be two showings of this fantastic multimedia event, at 7 and 9 PM, and proceeds will go to benefit excellent local organization Books On Wheels. So come one, come all, to this night of randomly discovered hilarity.
WHAT: Found Vs. Found In Richmond!
WHO: Found Magazine vs. Found Footage Festival
WHERE: Gallery 5, 200 W. Marshall St.
WHEN: Monday October 7; two showings: 7 PM & 9 PM
ADMISSION: $11. Purchase tickets for 7 PM showing HERE and 9 PM showing HERE
Check out the official video trailer for the tour after the jump!