All of us have one thing in common – we live on this world we share together until we die. Not wanting to live on this planet anymore is something I have felt several times, but when the kind of social organization takes place that makes me want to live on and persist because I feel an urgent need to participate in the action, I am reminded of what it feels like to be a real human being.
I've known about the Ugandan war monger Joseph Kony for only a few recent years. You may know about the Lord's Resistance Army--some will recall the recent faux paux by Rush Limbaugh, who mistakenly thought Kony's LRA was a real army of Christians in Africa that Barack Obama was targeting for attack. However, few enough of you know about the Kony 2012 campaign and it's rad t-shirts, so I'm going to explain what's going down on 4/20 this year. As a homework assignment, watch and share (I do mean share) the splash video on the Invisible Children YouTube channel. Got that? If you didn't watch it, you're going straight to hell.
The filmmakers of full length documentary Invisible Children have formed a nonprofit by the same moniker. The goal is to stop war criminal Joseph Kony from exploiting childern as sex slaves and child soldiers in Uganda, a poor African nation whose military forces are too ill equiped and poorly trained to do all this work on their own. The International Criminal Court has ranked Kony the #1 highest priority on the list of international criminals to stop. Over 30,000 children have been forced to commit heinous attrocities, including mass mutilation and familial murder because they are forced to by Kony's abductee army of brainwashed kids who are in a do or die situation.
Due to their enormous 8 year effort, on October 14, 2011 Invisible Children received a letter from Barack Obama stating that troops would be deployed to assist in aiding the end of Kony's militant child abduction campaign. This was the decision construed by Limbaugh as an attack on “Christians.” Now, Invisible Children has planned a direct action to inform as many people as possible about Kony and why the U.S. should stop him dead in his tracks. The more support they gain, the more power we have to see him brought to justice.
Invisible Children has planned a day of direct action on April 20th 2012. That night, people are encouraged to post, paste, and hang as many public images as possible of the Kony 2012 campaign to get the attention of everyone who will wake up the next day and see all of our combined efforts to freely spread public information that we all want shared.
If you need cool points to participate, Shepard Fairey is one of the culture makers Invisible Children has collaborated with in order to conduct this action successfully. If it's good enough for Fairey's art, it's good enough for anyone else's.
Get together to encourage each other to paste posters, make posters, get shirts, make shirts, make stickers, paste stickers. Do whatever it takes, and have fun driving down Broad St. on the night of 4/20 to see what's hanging from the windows of my apartment on the west 300 block. Cover The Night.
Read about everything Invisible Children has done and their $3/week donation platform at:
And get the freakin' shirt! Arrest Kony 2012.
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